Monday, May 25, 2015

Joomla...Day Last

Well, you might have noticed that I skipped a few, what should have been, daily Joomla updates.

Oh, who am I kidding, no one noticed. :)

Initially I was very much on top of this assignment. I had half the videos and the corresponding work finished as early as Wednesday. Then the little man got sick and that set me back a day. It feels pretty selfish spending time in one's office when the wife has had a sick and fussy baby all day. So, Thursday night (after work) it was all baby.

Friday surprised me. When I got home from work the wife was exhausted and the little guy was coughing, upset, angry, and crying crying crying. The wife needed the rest of the night off and she got it. Nothing Joomla wise on Friday.

Saturday might have been a great day for working. I'll never know. I had  penciled in eight hours for Joomla, treating it like a work day. Our son had other ideas. On top of not sleeping it was a constant wail. Well, not constant, but enough to FEEL constant. We had never seen this before. An almost completely inconsolable child. Cold, flu, teething, growing pains, we still don't know. I took him for an early morning walk in the park, more for the wife's sanity than anything. He always likes moving, but even there he was unhappy....

Look, I'm just gonna stop right here and cut to the chase. It will sound like excuse making, but it isn't. I got the assignment finished after all. But the truth is our beautiful and sweet and funny and gentle little boy brought two grown adults to their knees. Sure, I could have just told the wife that I MUST work! And let her deal with the kid. But, well, I'm not a jerk. And I knew how much he could wear me out in just in an hour or two after work. She has him all day. Today, Monday, has seen him almost back to his former self. The better half took charge as is her wont and SHE did the insisting - that I work and get the website finished. Little man is stumbling about (he took his first steps 10 days ago) like a giddy moron with no idea what he has just put us through.

If my website is lacking, and it is. And if my replies to Module 2 were lacking, and they were. Please, think but this and all is mended, that you have but slumber'd...while the wife and I did not. For three freakin' days!! :)

Cheers, friends.

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