Friday, May 22, 2015

Joomla ~ Day 3

Joomla is going well. I'm  a bit behind due to Doc McFussin's being under the weather. But the step by step video instructions are great and I should have the assignment done with some small time to spare. I'm vacillating between doing a personalized and fun Joomla site, a bland dummy site, or a library centric site. Being the moron I am such inconsequential indecision (or consequential if I DON'T decide) might be what derails me. The point of the assignment is to learn Joomla, not to get too cute with what we do with it. Still, it'd be fun to have something interesting and goofy utilizing numerous plugins and techniques.

It may end up all lorem ipsum dolor sit amet... 

We'll see.


  1. If you're already three days into Joomla and I'm just starting methinks I am doomed haha! I think I'm going to take my mom's existing writer site (she's a romance writer) and move the content into a spiffier format of my own making. This way I won't have to create any content (she already has pictures, blog posts, etc) but I'll be able to frame it all out nicely with my mad, mad Joomla skills. *cracks knuckles*

    1. You gots dem Joomla skills, kid!! Yeah, the videos are making it lemon squeezy. Definitely taking all the fear and anxiety out. I'm sure your site will CRUSH!! :)

    2. I know what you mean about what kind of site you want to create John. I think I definitely over thought the assignment! Joomla is pretty interesting but I am struggling a bit with it. I hope it goes well with you.

    3. I know what you mean about what kind of site you want to create John. I think I definitely over thought the assignment! Joomla is pretty interesting but I am struggling a bit with it. I hope it goes well with you.
